This issue of Being Designerly is a quicker read than previous issues, partly because I lost internet connectivity. I'm grateful for all that you can do these days on a smartphone!
This issue curated articles about the value of products, defining success in design, ethical design, inclusive technology and 12 tools of "making" from Jony Ive (ex-Apple).

Adding Too Many Features Will Break Your Product, Users and Team
Megan Gleason builds on what started as a Twitter rant exploring what what creates product value, talks about the triad (UX, Engineering, Product) and balancing new features against other dimensions of product health.

Designers, (Re)define Success First
How do we, as designers make ethical design more practical? The author suggests creating objectives for ethical design that are achievable and inspirational, and provides a version that they developed.
To have a positive, meaningful impact, define goals for well-being, equity, and sustainability through design.

Critics of ‘Deceptive Design’ Push for a More Ethical UX
Deceptive Design are intentional patterns of manipulation, baked into user experience (UX) interfaces and website architecture that "make you do things you didn't mean to, like buying or signing up for something.”
How might we, as designers, move toward trusted design and shaping a web that is: less discriminatory, less manipulative, more equitable, more empowering, more ethical?

Ethical Design Network | SHARE, INSPIRE, EMPOWER
The Ethical Design Network (EDN) was founded earlier this year as a space for digital professionals to share, discuss and self-educate about ethical design.
Bookmark the resources page - it has a few handy links and I hope it keeps growing!

Microsoft increases their focus on inclusive technology
Microsoft is launching a new line of accessibility accessories designed to give people with disabilities greater access to technology.
As part of its 12th annual Ability Summit, Microsoft announced the new product line, and said the adaptive accessories will allow people with disabilities to create an ideal setup that's unique to them.

Jony Ive unveils his top 12 tools for ‘making’
In UK’s Financial Times magazine’s “How to Spend It” issue, former Apple design chief Jony Ive lists a dozen tools he finds indispensable for “making.” More specifically, these are his top picks “for making, for marking, for measuring, and carrying with you every day.”
He didn’t include any Apple items.
My list, on the other hand, has LEGO, and a lot of them...!