Being Designerly - The Power of Non-Technical Designer Skills
The first of a series on LinkedIn about Being Designerly.
Think of designerly skills as related to head (thinking), heart (feeling), and hands (acting), as shown here, surrounded by some overarching behaviors. Together, these skills, behaviors and habits can make us creative and innovative.

The secret to creativity – according to science
Imagination is what propels us forward as a species – it expands our worlds and brings us new ideas, inventions and discoveries.
But why do we seem to differ so dramatically in our ability to imagine? And can you train yourself to become more imaginative? Science has come up with some answers, based on three different but interlinked types of imagination: Creative imagination, Fantastical imagination, Episodic imagination.

Jony Ive: ‘I’ve always been fascinated by the creative process’
Sir Jony Ive – the designer behind Apple’s most iconic products - and LoveFrom founder is launching a new scholarship program to support aspiring designers in the US and UK.
Ive: "If you ask people ‘what’s design’, you’re going to get 1,000 different answers because it’s a big word that means everything and nothing – but I think there’s slightly more understanding now about the creative activity."

AI analysis, brainless design
Even if AI could provide us with a nuanced analysis, and even if we dedicated days to studying it, we would still not have woven the neurological fabric that comes from doing the analysis ourselves.
It would be like reviewing another UX researcher’s output. Even if they had produced great work, you don’t gain a intuitive understanding by studying someone else’s answers.
That’s why, beyond the mere output, the essence of analysis lies in the process itself. Without it, we’re left to start the designing brainlessly.

Visualized: The World's Top 25 Websites in 2023
In 2023, web properties owned by Alphabet and Facebook dominate the top 25 list as they have for many years now. In fact, when Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp are combined, they make up three-quarters of the top 25 list’s total traffic. But occasionally, new waves of innovation can shake up this list, which is exactly what’s happening now with generative AI and OpenAI at #17

Double Diamond v4.1: an operating manual for designers using AI
Don't blink or you may miss it. You've seen the original double diamond, chances are you've seen v2, and 3 was the Design Council's latest iteration. People have tweaked the diamonds and this article covers the different versions as well as introduces 4 and 4.1...
How soon will we get to V 9.9?

Who wants to pay $3,500 for Apple’s new goggles?
The question is implicit in the design of the goggles themselves. Apple knows that wearing goggles cuts you off from the world, so it has created a way for people to see your eyes. Technically, it’s a video display on the front of your goggles that shows a representation of your eyes, filmed by cameras inside the goggles that are trained on your eyes, all so people won’t feel so cut off from you.
Until someone does create something truly remarkable and compelling and useful — and, crucially, something you can’t do with the phones and computers Apple sells today — it’s going to be very hard to convince people to wear these things.