In the previous issue of Being Designerly, we took a look back at the trends of 2020, part of a designerly behavior of being a reflective practitioner. But it should not stop there, but apply those reflections to future work.
This issue will look forward to design trends of 2021. Not for the sake of being trendy or blindly following trends, but to learn for the future, and analyze if these trends will improve the user experience or not...
What a decade 2020 has been!

100 lessons for the year to come
Speaking of reflections, UXCollective did just that. Their annual edition of design trends this year does not have trends, but lessons. These are quick reads, and you can dive deeper into any you are interested in...
"If we have listened more, we could have acted sooner...
..Lessons that can help us all dive into 2021 (hopefully) a bit more prepared." - Fabricio Teixeira, Founder of UX Collective

7 trends designers should know for 2021
This is the introduction to InvisionApp's Inside Design Product Design Trends Report. You will need to share your name, email and company name to get the report that addresses the following:
Will design systems unlock team potential?
Will design hold its seat at the table?
Will organizations create systemic change?
Will generalists be the key to collaboration?
Will work and life be separate again?
Will digital-first remain a competitive advantage?
Will we continue to focus on what matters?

What Fonts Are Trending Now and Font Trends for 2021
"While the font trend forecast seems a little polarized, with kinetic type and distorted fonts at one end of the spectrum and ultra-legible, clean sans serifs at the other, a leaning towards creativity and experimentation in font choice is set to be the major dominant feature of type next year.
The message? Be bold, be individual, and have fun with type. There’s a font trend to suit every creative project and whim."
I'm going to keep an eye out for the Characterful Humanist Sans Serifs this coming year.

Square Crypto’s 20th Grant Will Support Bitcoin Design, User Experience
If bitcoin is somewhat mysterious to you, a designer is out to research that with a grant from Square.
Portuguese software designer Patrícia Estevão is Square Crypto’s most recent grant recipient. Per her grant proposal, the UX Designer will use the funding to research Bitcoin user experience, specifically why people use Bitcoin and what hurdles may obstruct their use.

Latest Research for Web Designers December 2020
A look at some of the challenges and opportunities faced by designers - some food for thought as we wrap up this year...

20 of the Best Graphic Design Blogs for Inspiration in 2021
One of the questions I often get from people interested in design is how they should keep up with the field. This list includes some of my favorite sites, including one I occasionally write for and review for: Smashing Magazine...

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays & A Happy New Year 2021!
Being Designerly will be back in 2021. In the meanwhile, enjoy the holidays, and here's hoping our new year 2021 will turn out better than this year.
The link has a short animated wish for you!
Has 2020 ruined the art of logo design too?
Many rebrands are following the same trend these days, turning to a flat or minimalist aesthetic for logo overhauls. But a recent Twitter thread saw the design community asking if logos are in danger of becoming devoid of personality, lamenting the loss of uniqueness and quirkiness, and sharing examples of the perceived problem.
creativebloq.comCreativebloq has some highlights to help you avoid doomscrolling....