How To Put Empathy Into Action In Your Customer Experience
Customers want to engage with brands that can deliver more empathetic experiences. That's easy to say and much harder to deliver. A new book, Empathy in Action, shows how with the right culture, leadership, technology and structure we can achieve that.

Deep Awareness of the Current Experience
This UIE article talks about ways to build and maintain empathy in an organization, including building customer awareness habits throughout the life cycle of team projects.

Sympathy vs. Empathy in UX
This NNG article aims to help you reflect on your current UX practice — are you unknowingly practicing pity and sympathy instead of empathy?

Wordle UX: Sometimes a game just feels good
This article breaks down the UX principles that make Wordle so great including onboarding instructions, smooth animations, and my favorite: not designed for addiction!

The State of UX Maturity: Data from Our Self-Assessment Quiz
In mid-2021, NNG unveiled a new UX-maturity model along with a free, self-reported maturity quiz.
This article presents their analysis of this self-reported UX-maturity data. Half of 5,371 UX professionals were in stage 3 (emergent maturity) out of the 6-stage UX maturity model, and very few scored at the highest end. The lowest-maturity organizations are likely not captured.

Inclusive Design
Inclusive design describes methodologies to create products that understand and enable people of all backgrounds and abilities. It may address accessibility, age, economic situation, geographic location, language, race, and more. The article has examples to illustrate and inspire....

Free Ebook: Web and App Accessibility - Roadmap to Digital Inclusion
A free ebook by UsableNet explaining how to plan, execute and maintain a successful accessibility strategy for your digital channels. It also includes techniques, people involved and checklists.

Will the Metaverse be Accessible? - Metropolis
The metaverse has the power to make a more accessible world or to lock people with disabilities out. Kaitlin Ugolik Phillips says what actually happens is up to us.

Accessible color palette builder
This site presents a color palette in a grid so that you can quickly see which ones work with others for an accessible contrast ratio when picking your text and background. Once you customize your colors, you can bookmark it to come back to that palette anytime. H/T Cam Beaudoin

eBay MIND Patterns
This resource will assist frontend developers in building accessible e-commerce websites and components. The MIND (Messaging; Input; Navigation; Disclosure) Patterns are intended to complement design systems by acting as foundational accessibility guidance.
Each pattern follows a progressive enhancement strategy (where applicable), aims to conform to WCAG 2.1 Level AA, and for the most part builds on from the excellent guidance set out in the WCAG Authoring Practices 1.1.

(Video) TLDR Act in the making provides the 'TLDR' on Sites' Terms of Service
If enacted. this act will help people understand what they're agreeing to or the many ways in which their data is being used before pressing 'accept.'
I hope you enjoyed this issue of Being Designerly with articles about empathy, Wordle UX, NNG's UX Maturity survey results, inclusive design, metaverse accessibility and tools and resources.
Thank you for subscribing! If you think someone would benefit from Being Designerly, please forward it to them.
I'm looking for feedback, of the brutally honest kind, so this can improve over time. You can reach me at lycerejo (at) gmail.com - thank you!