The power of touch is no joke—even if it’s through a screen
Digital ads showing someone’s hand touching a product had higher engagement and were seen as more valuable by consumers.
Consumers who see a product on sale being touched virtually are more engaged and willing to pay more for it than if the item is displayed on its own, according to a recent research paper.

Have you fallen for the myth of 'I can't draw'? Do it anyway – and reap the rewards
Drawing is a powerful tool of communication. It helps build self-understanding and can boost mental health. Too many believe the myth of “I can’t draw”, when in fact it’s a skill built through practice. Cultivating a drawing habit means letting go of biases against drawing and against copying others to learn technique. Resisting the urge to critically compare your work to others’ is also important.

Tweet by Jehad Affoneh on Twitter
Twitter thread on what makes questions good and how you go about learning to ask better questions

From Greek to Latin: Visualizing the Evolution of the Alphabet
The past year, we've used Greek letters more than ever, with variants named Alpha, Delta, and Omicron being discussed all around us. But the Greek alphabet is used in other parts of our lives like in mathematics and science. This visual clearly depicts the evolution...

Design-Pattern Guidelines: Study Guide
Unsure how to design and implement user-interface patterns? Use this collection of links to NNG's content about specific patterns.

How big companies are manipulating you out of your money
Read about dark patterns, or tricks used by apps and websites to get us to spend more, hand over our data, sign up for subscriptions and overpay for products – often without us even realizing it.

100 essential free resources for graphic designers in 2022
An extensive collection of free resources for your design projects, including stock imagery and videos, illustration templates, icons, typography, mockup templates and design inspiration resources.

Smashing Magazine's Useful UX Guidelines, Tools And Resources
Smashing Magazine has compiled useful tools, tips, and resources that are bound to help you build better user experiences. You’ll find psychology heuristics just like tips for building a winning UX strategy, dive deep into user research and UX writing, and explore real-world examples — good and bad — from which you can learn to create experiences that truly matter.

Design Principles for a New AI World
The author rewrote Dieter Rams’ principles of good design to weave ethical AI design into product development.
I hope you enjoyed this issue of Being Designerly with articles about asking questions, dark patterns, design pattern guidelines, design principles for AI, and lots of designerly tools and resources
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I'm looking for feedback, of the brutally honest kind, so this can improve over time. You can reach me at lycerejo (at) gmail.com - thank you!