Being Designerly 107 has curated content to boost your creative mindset. This issue has designerly content about the state of UX, ChatGPT's voice wizard, typographic city logos, thanksgiving harvest map, deceptive design by AI, who moved my Spotify button, UX problems, accessibility guidelines and 2024 app store award finalists.

The State of UX in 2025: a love letter about change
The 10th edition of The State of UX report by the UX Collective is here: a critical look at the field of UX. The editors call it “The Great Design Handoff”—a fundamental shift in responsibilities and a transfer of design control from designers to a complex network of algorithms, automated tools, and business stakeholders.

7 surprisingly practical ways to use ChatGPT’s free voice wizard
Opening up ChatGPT’s Advanced Voice Mode (AVM) is like conjuring a tutor eager to help with whatever simple—or crazy—query you throw at it. Talking is more fluid and engaging than typing, especially if you’re out and about. It’s not a substitute for human expertise, but AVM provides valuable machine intelligence.

Graphic Designer Creates Typographic City Logos Based On Their Famous Landmarks
Designer Mohamed Aljaadaby has developed a unique project featuring typographic logos of various cities shaped like their iconic landmarks. My favorite was London - what's yours?

Mapping the Thanksgiving Harvest
Now that we're almost unstuffed after Thanksgiving, here's a visualization showing where each of the common Turkey Day staples is grown.

Visualization: The Top 5 States Americans Are Leaving
This visualization shows the top five states that American residents moved away from in 2023 and their migration outflows, with the top three states where people from those states moved to labeled. State-by-state migration flow data comes from the U.S. Census Bureau as of August 2024.

ChatGPT was tasked with designing a website. The result was as manipulative as you’d expect
Despite using neutral prompts that specifically did not mention integrating deceptive design patterns, every single AI-generated web page contained at least one such pattern, with an average of five per page.

Spotify's latest UI design change is driving people crazy
Spotify has introduced what could be one of the most unpopular UI design changes of the year after the controversial iPhone Photos App redesign - a new Create button. And it appears to be another case of a tech company thinking people want AI in places where they don't.

The Biggest Challenges Practitioners Encounter Working in UX
NNG surveyed 126 UX practitioners, uncovering the biggest challenges in the UX field. Almost all responses originated from the same core problem: perception of UX.

Vox Product Accessibility Guidelines
Making work accessible creates a better experience across the board. Use this checklist to help build accessibility into your process no matter your role or stage in a project.

Apple named its 2024 App Store Award finalists - did your favorites make the list?
Each year, Apple's App Store Awards highlight the top apps and games for user experience, design, and innovation. On Monday, the company revealed the winners of its App Store Award finalists for the year, and they're quite a mix.