3 Simple Reasons So Many Adults Still Love Lego - a Lesson for Every Brand.
The author spoke with Amy Corbett and Jamie Berard, judges on the Fox television show LEGO Masters, about Lego's secret to cultivating its fans.
Both are Lego designers, in addition to their role on the show, and revealed three keys that every company should be thinking about.

Practice Innovations: Adapt, innovate or both? Leading & leveraging cognitive diversity
Cognitive diversity describes the fact that people think differently, that they are creative differently, and that they solve problems differently. Dr. Michael J. Kirton, a renowned British psychologist, provided a practical explanation of these differences in the form of his Adaption-Innovation Theory. Read on for the 8 ways to maximize creativity

‘I want to be human.’ My intense, unnerving chat with Microsoft’s AI chatbot
Bing Chat is a remarkably helpful and useful service with a ton of potential, but if you wander off the paved path, things start to get existential quickly. Relentlessly argumentative, rarely helpful, and sometimes truly unnerving, Bing Chat clearly isn’t ready for a general release.

AI-powered Bing Chat loses its mind when fed Ars Technica article
Over the past few days, early testers of the new Bing AI-powered chat assistant have discovered ways to push the bot to its limits with adversarial prompts, often resulting in Bing Chat appearing frustrated, sad, and questioning its existence. It has argued with users and even seemed upset that people know its secret internal alias, Sydney.
Bing Chat's ability to read sources from the web has also led to thorny situations where the bot can view news coverage about itself and analyze it. Sydney doesn't always like what it sees, and it lets the user know.

Everyone's Missing the Inside Joke Behind the Jonathan-Ive-Designed Red Clown Nose
Sir Jonathan Ive designed a red clown nose for Comic Relief. However, everyone seems to be missing that this is an inside joke by Ive; Core77 explains the background of Ive getting frustrated by having his designs ridiculed by a boss in a clown nose.

UX designers are suffering from a failure of imagination
Cultivating an ethic of imagination can help designers build a more just and empathetic world. The author believe that as designers, we’ve stopped being creative in how we think about the way our everyday work can be a site of resistance. From the methods we use to the copy we write, there are always opportunities to challenge the status quo, but we stop ourselves from exercising that inherent power. We allow ourselves to be consumed by the privilege of despair.

New Book: Design for a Better World (Sample Chapter)
This is a sample chapter (downloadable) from Don Norman's new book, Design for a Better World. Norman is known for many things including The Design of Everyday Things. This book is an examination of how human behavior brought our world to the brink, and how human behavior can save us. The world is a mess. Our dire predicament, from collapsing social structures to the climate crisis, has been millennia in the making and can be traced back to the erroneous belief that the earth's resources are infinite. The key to change, says Don Norman, is human behavior. Emphasize quality of life, not monetary rewards; restructure how we live to better protect the environment; and focus on all of humanity. Design for a Better World by Don Norman presents an eye-opening diagnosis of where we've gone wrong and a clear prescription for making things better.
8 guidelines to make social media posts more accessible
8 guidelines to make social media posts more accessible