4 Odd Brain Hacks That Will Supercharge Your Creativity
Researchers found that people who have fun on the job are more creative and productive, make better decisions, and get along better with colleagues.

Why More Companies Are Putting Lego Bricks in the Office
Adults who were using Lego blocks at home are now bringing them into their workplace. Companies and individuals say they help with creativity, anxiety and communication.
I used them in my interview for my current job, and sneak them into office, presentations, and talks!

Why we should embrace ‘radical curiosity’ and learn to ask better questions
Asking good questions is extraordinarily valuable, and yet many of us are uncomfortable doing so, says author Seth Goldenberg.

5 Ways to Add Human Touch to Your Digital Customer Experience
As we live in an increasingly digital world, here's how to make sure your customers feel understood and heard, even without human interaction.

This 30-second fashion show demonstrates the true creative power of DALL-E 2
Hundreds of computer-generated outfits flicker before your eyes in 30 seconds.

Is your company logo a ‘Karen,’ a ‘Heather,’ or maybe even a ‘Brandon’?
Logo designs, much like baby names, can be subject to trends that can date them—but that may not be so bad.

Ranked: The Most Popular Fast Food Brands in America
America has hundreds of options for quick and convenient food. But which fast food brands are the most popular, in terms of sales?
Was studying the data in the magazine, but this is a nice way to visualize it!

What Happens When Kids Get a Crash Course in Design Thinking
An experiment with middle school students boosts their creativity and confidence. The results showed that design thinking helps creativity by increasing the number of ideas students have, along with the number of categories those ideas covered.

A Quick Guide to Inclusive Design
Designing for inclusion isn’t just about coding for accessibility or section 508 compliance, it’s about providing equitable and easy-to-use websites and services for diverse populations. Because good design is design that works for everyone.
This post aims to describe a few basic, inclusive design concepts, and provides many additional resources for those ready to explore more.