Sentient Scenes
Sentient Scenes is kind of like chatting with AI, except that the system doesn’t reply directly to your prompt. Instead, it replies to the UI with instructions for how the interface should behave and change. Give it a shot - go beyond text...

The Three Styles of Curiosity
Do you consider yourself a curious person? According to researcher Perry Zurn, curiosity is not a singular thing. In fact, there may be at least three styles of curiosity: the busybody, the hunter, and the dancer. Which one would you be?

How To Build Long-Term Curiosity And Innovation At Work In Four Weeks
Building long-term curiosity and innovation at work is more than just checking off a list of activities; it’s about making questioning, exploring, and learning a daily habit. This four-week challenge is just the beginning. Start today and you'll be well on your way by tax day!

Does dependence on technology make us less intelligent? (LinkedIn)
From this LinkedIn post and discussion: "Question: Does dependence on technology make us less intelligent? Answer: I wouldn't say it makes us less intelligent per se, but it certainly diminishes our ability to think critically and solve problems independently. When we rely too much on technology, we miss out on the mental exercise that comes with doing things on our own."

I Used to Teach Students. Now I Catch ChatGPT Cheats
Students have been shaped by a culture that has long doubted the value of being able to think and write for oneself—and that is increasingly convinced of the power of a machine to do both for us. Is AI being used to short circuit critical thinking?

Visualizing How Far $1 Million Gets You in Retirement, by U.S State
This visualization illustrates how long $1 million, combined with Social Security benefits, would last in each U.S. state. The analysis includes groceries, healthcare, housing, utilities, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses. Did you look for your state first, or for the state where it lasts longest - almost heaven, West Virginia...

AI and Accessibility: the Good, the Bad, and the Bollocks (YouTube)
Depending on what you read, and who you believe, AI is either the ultimate solution or armageddon in motion, so in this talk, Léonie is going to cut through the clickbait, dodge the doomscrollers, and focus on the facts to bring you the good, the bad, and the bollocks of AI and accessibility.

The Six Cs of Accessibility
Read Sheri Byrne-Haber's updated post with a new "C" added to give us: Compassion, Collaboration, Custom, Consistency, Celebration, and Conscience